Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Feeling better now...

Thanks to everyone for their kind replies and many visits and a big HI to you all!

We had a busy weekend and I'm still recovering! The visit to our families was a wonderful catch up with lots of food and entertainment of various means. :) Unfortunately, after falling ill on Saturday night, on Sunday I wasn't feeling well enough to go to church, but we had some friends come over who brought with them the sermons on their hearts which was a blessing and a great time of fellowshipping.

Sean and I have booked ourselves into the IBLP seminar for later in the year that we're really excited about. I am really looking forward to learning, growing, and meeting some more awesome future friends. :) Their Financial Freedom seminar has changed our lives so much. If you have the money I would so highly recommend getting a copy of this seminar from Vision Forum (check out their site while you're there!).

I hope to finish two aprons that I have been working on tonight, so I'll get some pictures up of the (hopefully) finished products when I re-find the cable to link up my camera to the laptop. :) The kittens stole it again! lol

With trying to recuperate and not do much over the past couple of days I have read through a lot of my books (again) and I'm looking out for more. Does anyone have any good books, either fiction or non-fiction, that they can recommend? :)

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