Thursday, September 6, 2007

Where I Stand

I have received a few e-mails asking about my briefly mentioned background, including my reference to my time in the LDS church in my past post and wanting to know where I stand now. So for those interested, here's a 101 on my beliefs and religious background. ;)

Churches (and other groups) I have attended/been part of are (not necessarily a member): Uniting, Anglican, Orthodox, Brethren, Mennonite, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Revival Centre, LDS (Mormon), the Family, and various Baptist churches... whew.

Several of those were in quick succession in which I came and then left dissatisfied not long after. The longest memberships have been with the LDS and Baptist. For a long time, especially during my teens years I was intent on finding what the real Biblical truth was, hence my list. How I came to find God and Christianity is a post all of it's own. Needless to say, I found my place and my truth. :)

I currently attend a conservative Independent Baptist Church which preaches the Word each week and is filled with God-seeking people who are striving to live for the Lord. I feel extremely blessed to have found this little, but long standing, church. I've been here for the longest time and have no intent on leaving anytime soon. :)

Unlike a lot of others out there, I hold nothing against those places and people and refuse to speak ill of any of them, no matter how in error I may believe them to be, now. I have taken things, as such, from a couple of other places I've attended believing them to be of worth. For example, I believe in the headship veiling for women, however I only cover during prayer and church at the moment. I also practice modest dress, long hair on women, skirts/dresses only and we hold a Family Home Evening each week because regardless of affiliation it's a wonderful thing I think all families should strive for. All in all, I hope that when my time comes to face the LORD, He will find me worthy of trying to live my life for Him, although very imperfectly, and that's all I can ask.


Jessica said...

Hello Amy! I'm glad you like my HSB blog! My friend set it up for me and she did a really good job on it. I'm still reading the LOTR book and I'm probably in the middle of it too! LOL :) Sam is one of my favorite characters too. I will be looking forward to seeing the earrings being worn! (I'm not rushing you so you know!). :)

Sis. Julie said...

Praise the Lord you came to know the Lord and His truth.