Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month in the US. Emergency preparedness is something that I've felt really strongly about from my days in the LDS church (Mormon).

1 year pantry, 72 hour kits, MRE's, car kits... you're speaking my language. :)

A lot of people seem to have a view of preparedness - that it's only candles for a power outage, or only useful to prepare for floods, storms or other various natural disasters, but it is SO much more than that! The days we live in are full of uncertainty and preparing for as much as you can brings great peace of mind when those trials come.

We have always kept a stocked up pantry which has always been a blessing. There was a time a couple of years ago when Sean was unemployed and I wasn't working and we literally lived off our pantry, even down to the daily milk. Then there was a time when I had to spend 10 hours in a freezing car on the side of the road. Luckily I had a car kit with a blanket, snacks, water, torch, a book, a Bible, pen and paper... etc. Unfortunately, I forgot my phone. lol

Might I reach out and ask that if you haven't thought about preparedness that you do a little research and consider it for the future, you never know HOW it will help you. I've listed a few sites below. :)

72 Hours
Ol' Buffalo Preparedness Page
Emergency Essentials (Articles)
Red Cross Disaster Services


Tammy said...

This sounds like such a good idea. I don't think we'd live very long on our pantry...

Thank you for visiting my blog. =)

Sis. Julie said...

Thank you so much for coming by my site and for leaving a comment Sister. I am all for being prepared. You never know when something is going to happen that you will need those things you have stored up for emergency. We used to have to prepare in wintertime when I lived in Kansas and Ohio due to never knowing when a blizzard might come through and now living in the south I have to always be prepared in case of power outages from storms. I certainly does pay to be prepared!!

Jessica said...

Hi Amy! I haven't heard from you in a while! It seems you have posted a few post recently. :) I have read only one of them but I'm sure they are all good posts. :) Please come on over and leave a comment if you have a minute, I'd really love to hear from you soon. Also, have you tried out your earrings yet? :s I have put up some posts.
God bless, Jessica

Jessica said...

Hi Amy! Don't worry about wishing me a late happy birthday! I know your busy. :) Thank you for wishing me a late one though! ;)