Thursday, July 26, 2007


I thought that it would be fitting that the first post on this blog explain just who I am and where I come from!

I'm Amy. :) I'm 24 years old proud homemaker from Australia who's going through this amazing journey with the love of my life and two crazy kittens in tow.

I grew up an only child to Atheist parents who still can't quite understand how I "turned" and what they did wrong. I have seen people being born and people dying, I have been through half a dozen religions and cults, I have made many mistakes and less than wise choices, and a few good ones (:)) to get where I am - a happy, God-fearing, Proverbs 31 striving woman of God.

I spend my spare time sewing, quilting, crocheting, knitting, dressmaking, cooking, reading, writing and I'm sure a dozen other things in between. I'm learning to live more modestly, frugally and fully to give God the glory.

If there's anything else you would like to know, or any questions you might have, please ask!

Enjoy your stay and God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Hello Amy!

I'm glad to "meet" you:)Welcome to being a blogger!

I found you through your Frugal Friday post. My first thought when I saw your link was, "why is this lady posting about winter drying?!

Then I remembered Austrailia has winter right now! It is so wierd to think of people having winter in what I consider summer months. You probably think it is strange to have it hot in July:)

Take Care-- Look forward to reading more of your Frugal Fridays

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

I also found you through your Frugal Friday post.

I didn't find your winter drying post unusual though - I live in New Zealand! So we're neighbours :-) (we won't start talking about rugby and netball though...........transTasman rivally and all that!!!)

Anyway, look forward to reading more of your blog. Your comment and having Atheist parents who wondered how you turned out made me smile. I think there is probably a great blog entry there!

Cheers, wilm

Melissa said...

Well count me as number three as I also found you through your Frugal Friday post on Biblical Womanhood!

I'm so glad to see another stay at home wife blogging! I do not have children, am a Daughter of the King, grew up in a godless home and am married to my best friend. I look forward to getting to know you!

Many Blessings,

Amy said...

Thanks for the welcomes and I can't wait to get to know you all! :)

Trixie, I do indeed think it's strange to have it hot in July! Nevermind winter Christmas' - they just blow my mind! It's all very strange. lol :)

It's great to see other REAL "southerners" out about about, wilm! I have thought about, and am sure, that, I'll write the whole (condensed) story in the future post, so keep an eye out! :)

And Melissa, it's SO great to hear that there are other stay at home WIVES around out there! :) They seem to be few and far between compared to the stay at home MUM'S! We'll start a revolution. ;)